Lavender and Laughter

Life is too short to drink tea out of a plastic cup....I created this blog to pour the lavender and laughter of my life into yours.

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Location: Iowa, United States

I am complicated and I am a Marshwiggle (like Puddleglum from Lewis' The Silver Chair). Personality tests don't work on me. I yearn to see Jesus face to face, and to see the love in His eyes. I am learning to walk on water and to be a new person in Christ. I am in love with my husband and baby, and I love the smell of coffee and lavender mixed together.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

On Lavender and Laughter

This is new for me...and it'll be short. I have been sitting at my desk at work trying to come up with a good title for the last hour. So, you must wonder why I would choose Lavender and Laughter. These two things represent the good side of me--the side that I hope to be when I am like Jesus. It's the part of me that just peeks out from time to time, and that catches my breath...because when I see it, I know that is the beautiful person God created me to be. Lavender gives off a fresh aroma that makes one feel alive and lovely. Laughter is passionate and forgets fear--even if for a moment.


Blogger Vanessa said...

I love it! It is just like you! You will love the blogosphere...and I'm glad you are here. I'll be glad to link you to mine as soon as we work out the bugs : ) v

5:09 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

hey so cool..i've got one too and our sites look a like...hmmmm...thats okay right? lol..thanks for the email.

6:27 PM  
Blogger klasieprof said...

((HUGSS)) to you, and Congrats on your blog!! NOw i"ll have one more to flip through and read.
OK >>cut to the chase!! Tell us where you are living, what about your job...your church??
How is gramma and grampa doing?

AND SARA?? what is YOUR blog?? I didn't know that!!

Joy just turned five. Youwould have liked her party..we went to MT Pleasant and Painted pottery at a place called "lets do the dishes".
Cool huh??


8:11 AM  
Blogger klasieprof said...

Just thought of one other of my FAvorite books is "Face the fear and DO it anyways"..just thought of it as part of what you said in your opening. I also have the tape of it..yes...a CASSETTE tape..shows how 'modern' I am in all things..LOL

8:22 AM  
Blogger Sara said...

Donna my blog is

2:03 PM  

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