Lavender and Laughter

Life is too short to drink tea out of a plastic cup....I created this blog to pour the lavender and laughter of my life into yours.

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Location: Iowa, United States

I am complicated and I am a Marshwiggle (like Puddleglum from Lewis' The Silver Chair). Personality tests don't work on me. I yearn to see Jesus face to face, and to see the love in His eyes. I am learning to walk on water and to be a new person in Christ. I am in love with my husband and baby, and I love the smell of coffee and lavender mixed together.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

What has to be...

"The stone is only a stone until its heart is broken and the air has a chance to get in. The Christian convert is only a principle until he lets God have His way with him and breaks his heart, if that has to be. Anything, in order to rip open the hardness and let God in! When the air has filled the fissures, then the stone is no longer a pebble. It is a gem, a precious opal, a stone of fire."

Stones of Fire by Isobel Kuhn


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