Lavender and Laughter

Life is too short to drink tea out of a plastic cup....I created this blog to pour the lavender and laughter of my life into yours.

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Location: Iowa, United States

I am complicated and I am a Marshwiggle (like Puddleglum from Lewis' The Silver Chair). Personality tests don't work on me. I yearn to see Jesus face to face, and to see the love in His eyes. I am learning to walk on water and to be a new person in Christ. I am in love with my husband and baby, and I love the smell of coffee and lavender mixed together.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year

I had a terrible migraine that persisted for three days (and is still lingering a tad). I didn’t do anything that I didn’t have to. In other words: I washed dishes, bought groceries, and then staid in bed with a book. Period. I didn’t even return text messages. Talk about a way to bring in the new year.

Funny thing is, I was planning to go through the Bible in a year with one of those little brochures. Well, due to my migraine, I already missed the first day!!! Luckily I caught up yesterday. But seriously, talk about a bad sign. I think I’m a little superstitious!

Oh yeah, and now that Christmas is over, I am totally ready for spring! (It’s been so warm the last few weeks that it actually smells like spring in the wet, muddy early stages).


Blogger klasieprof said...

how often do you get migraines? I have some WOnderful stuff (maxalt) taht I take 1/2 a pill, and 20 min later I can think again. The matter how Dim is excrutiating.
let me know..maybe someone can anonymously send some to you.

1:21 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Actually, I only get one every couple months, so not nearly as bad as some people. I am afraid to take migraine medicine, because I took some at BBC once and it made me pass out then made my heart race like crazy and gave me weird symptoms. I'm pretty much better now : )

1:47 PM  
Blogger Sara said...

I'm sorry about the migraine...those can't be much fun. I had one once and wasn't very happy for a while.

I spent New Year's Eve working and then i went to Louise's house and stayed the night..she went to bed around 10:30 but i snuck a flashlight in so i stayed up writing a letter to a friend..until about 12 midnight.

3:02 PM  

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