Lavender and Laughter

Life is too short to drink tea out of a plastic cup....I created this blog to pour the lavender and laughter of my life into yours.

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Location: Iowa, United States

I am complicated and I am a Marshwiggle (like Puddleglum from Lewis' The Silver Chair). Personality tests don't work on me. I yearn to see Jesus face to face, and to see the love in His eyes. I am learning to walk on water and to be a new person in Christ. I am in love with my husband and baby, and I love the smell of coffee and lavender mixed together.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Could God be telling me something?

I've noticed some strange little occurrences in my heart lately. I think it is called whistfulness. I'm married to a musician who gets to pour out his heart every week with his guitar music. Now, of course, I love it....but I've also wished I had a little bit of a venue for music. I am not a musician and won't pretend to know much, but I do love all things beautiful and artistic, and am yearning to try my fingers on something musical! The funny thing is, I keep reading these posts about other women who have also had that same dream, and how they reached out and grabbed hold of it and God gave them that desire! I wonder....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go for it, what do you have to lose?

6:02 PM  
Blogger Full of JOY said...

another friend of mine is starting guitar lessons next week. you should totally try something!

so, where do you work?? i start a writing class this week!! i think it'll be a lot different then anything i took at bbc. i loved my classes there, i wish i had been in the program longer.

5:35 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Luke started playing my harmonica this morning!!! I'm happy because he will get hooked on the thing and then I'll have an excuse to play :)

1:35 PM  
Blogger Maggie Ann said...

You are a can play the I take lessons through a community music program at a local collage. Maybe you have something like that where you are. It isn't exactly cheap but when you do commit things work out...I've noticed. Even if I have to give up half of my spending money most months...its been worth it.

8:07 PM  

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